Pregnancy, breastfeeding, gravity and weight loss not related to childbearing can all contribute to the appearance of breasts. Over time, breasts begin to sag and droop, which leads many women to discuss a breast lift surgery with their doctor. If your breasts have lost their youthful shape and firmness, a breast lift may be all that’s needed to make you look and feel your best. Here’s what you can expect from this surgery:
This surgery does not add volume. A breast lift can be done with or without augmentation, which requires placement of implants to increase volume.
There is more than one incision pattern. You will discuss the options that best suit your anatomy with your surgeon, which include an incision solely around the areola, a “lollipop” incision around the areola and down to the breast crease, or an “anchor” incision around the areola, vertically down to the breast crease and horizontally along the crease.
A breast lift is an outpatient procedure. This surgery takes three hours on average while the patient is under twilight, or mild, anesthesia. Extra skin will be removed and breast tissue will be lifted into the proper location. Nipples may be relocated depending on the new breast shape.
The results are immediate. Even though you will still have some swelling and visible incision lines, you will see the results right away. Your satisfaction will continue to grow as you recover from surgery. There will be scarring, but incision lines are concealed in the natural breast contours as much as possible. Scars will significantly fade and improve over time.
The results are long-lasting. Aging and gravity will change your breasts over time naturally, but you can maintain your results much longer by maintaining your weight and keeping a healthy, active lifestyle. Significant weight loss can impact the appearance of your breasts as well.
Wait until after childbearing to get a breast lift. Changes that happen to the breasts during pregnancy and breastfeeding can reverse the improvements made by a breast lift.
A breast lift is a great way to restore a youthful shape to your breasts. To explore all of your options for a breast lift with or without augmentation, call (203) 453-6635 and schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Price.
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