Am I a candidate for eyelid surgery?

If you think your eyes are looking tired and puffy, you may want to think about eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty. The eyes are usually the first place on the face that shows our age, and your eyes can make you look tired, sad or older. If you’ve been thinking about undergoing eyelid surgery, read on to learn if you would be a good candidate for surgery.

What happens during surgery

Eyelid surgery is also called an eye lift. During this procedure, Dr. Price will remove excess skin, fat or muscle from the areas around the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both.

Who benefits from surgery

The eyelids can age dramatically over time due to constant exposure to the sun and the environment. Most people over the age of 40 could benefit from eyelid surgery as it rejuvenates the eye areas to make you look younger.

The most common concerns with the eyelid area are the sagging, droopy skin of the upper eyelid that can impair vision, and excess fat that has accumulated in the eyelids, creating a puffy appearance. This surgery also addresses the bags that form under the eyes and improves the drooping of the lower eyelids and wrinkles under the eyes.

Aesthetic and medical benefits

There are aesthetic and functional benefits of eyelid surgery. First, improving the appearance of the eyes can make the rest of the face look younger and refreshed as well. This improves confidence and self-image. Second, eyelid surgery removes excess skin that droops over the eyes, which can improve vision and reduce headaches caused by excess skin.

Types of eyelid surgeries

There are two types of eyelid surgeries – lower eyelid blepharoplasty and upper eyelid blepharoplasty. The lower eyelid blepharoplasty modifies eye bags and smooths out the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty removes fat deposits and excess skin from the upper eyelid. Many patients choose both procedures to address a multitude of concerns.

Hidden incisions

The small incisions are made so that the remaining scars will be easily hidden. For upper eyelid surgery, a small incision is made within the natural crease of the eyelid. For lower eyelid surgery, incisions are made behind the lower lash line.

To learn more about eyelid surgery and whether you would be a candidate for this popular procedure, call (203) 453-6635 today to set up a consultation.

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