When it comes to aging there is one thing everyone can agree upon; the double chin thing has got to go. However, as one of the most common side-effects of aging, your body starts to store fat in the most obnoxious places like your chin and your stomach. Luckily, there are two great options that can help you get rid of that nasty, unwanted neck fat: Kybella or a neck lift. So, what are these two procedures and how to they vary? Read on to learn more.
What’s the Diff?
The first thing to know about Kybella and a neck lift is that their main goal is to get rid of loose skin and fat around the neckline— leaving you without that dreaded turkey wattle. However, the next thing to be aware of is the unique differences— the most obvious difference being that Kybella is an injection and neck lift is a surgical procedure.
Kybella is a non-invasive injection that is used to target the stubborn fat under your skin. Comprised of an all-natural substance called deoxycholic acid, Kybella will work to destroy the fat under your skin after about a total of six weeks. However, the results from Kybella will easily last you several years.
Neck Lift
During a neck lift, excess fat from under the chin will be suctioned out with liposuction. Additionally, the muscles and skin will be tightened to give you a more taut looking physique that will make you no longer reminisce about life in your twenties. Although a neck lift is a fairly invasive surgery, because it involves tightening the muscles and skin, patients see longer lasting results than with Kybella.
Depending on how severe the fat is under your chin, the results you want, and the time you have for the procedure, will help you and Dr. Gary J. Price land on the right decision for you. To learn more about these options or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Gary J. Price today at (203) 453-6635!
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